Barramundi Fishing Story Arlaminga
$24.95 inc. GST
A group of 4 young cousin-brothers go on a barramundi fishing adventure early one morning, to be tested by a croc, a hungry eagle, the weather and – in some cases – a lack of fishing skills!
By: Margaret James. Illustrators: Anne McMaster, Jayden Alimankinni, Ruby Brooks, Crystal Butler, Martine Puruntatameri, Maletta Warrior Rioli, Demaga Warrior.
Size: A4 Landscape ISBN: 9781925855159 Number of pages: 32
Listen here to the Tiwi words from the Arlaminga book read by Marion Fernando Ullungura, a senior student at Tiwi College.
Arlaminga = Barramundi
Yirrikipayi = Crocodile
Wunijaka = North West Wind
Pakitiringa = Rain
Pumurali = Lightening
Pumwanyinga = Thunder
Jamutakari = The Wet Season