HARs 1-3 in Central Arrernte and Warlpiri languages.

Pamela Sampson is translating the first HARs into Warlpiri.

Discussing translating of the  Honey Ant Readers
Benedict Stevens and Mervyn Rubuntja discussing the Honey Ant Readers

Many thanks to ILF and Mary Mc Killop Foundation for funding the HAR translations!

Translators Benedict Stevens and Pamela Sampson have been working with Margaret James and Joe Relic,  putting HAR 1, 2 and 3 into Central Arrernte and Warlpiri. Next week Benedict and Pamela will be recording the audio to accompany their books. What a great resource this is going to be! We are very excited and have really enjoyed the stimulation of working with such knowledgeable and authoritative language speakers. Preserving their ancient languages is a great contribution that they are both makng- orally and in print. The value of children reading in their first language is well known and the Honey Ant Readers have already been translated by community members into Warlpri and Central Arrernte.