Kalumburu Remote Community School read HARs
What a great idea! An enterprising teacher at Kalumburu Remote Community School took her enthusiastic students and their Honey Ant Readers on a ‘reading picnic’. Kalumburu is VERY remote! 565 kms from Kununurra, 560 kms from Wyndham, and 650 kms from Derby. The climate up there is tropical with a cyclonic wet season, when the roads are closed. The prominent tribal groupings of the region encompass the Gwini (Kwini) Waanambal, Gambera and Worrora peoples.
![Kalumburu Remote Community School on a reading picnic with their HARs.](https://honeyant.com.au/wp-content/uploads/31-300x169.jpg)
Kalumburu Remote Community School on a reading picnic with their HARs.
Relaxing with HARs
![Lalumburu 2](https://honeyant.com.au/wp-content/uploads/Lalumburu-2-300x169.jpg)
Enjoying a relaxing ‘Reading picnic’.
Playing with HAR word cards
Comfortable reading my HAR 11 – Run goanna, run!