Wendy Paterson – Honey Ant Readers Illustrator

We were thrilled to be able to engage the talented and energetic Wendy Paterson to illustrate and bring life to the Honey Ant Readers’ storybooks. She has certainly been kept very busy! Wendy is a mother and aunty, but not a nana, who engages learners…
Read Full BiographyTrudy Inkamala – Storyteller of HARs 12, 13 and 14

Trudy Inkamala is a highly respected Western Arrernte Elder and Traditional Owner. Many of the first Honey Ant Readers story books were inspired by discussions between the author, Margaret James, and Elders from the areas surrounding Alice Springs, led…
Read Full BiographyTimothy Butler – HAR Digital Resource Developer

Timothy Butler (B.Sc; DipEd., MACA, DALF C2) has worked in various capacities with the Honey Ant Readers, most notably digitising them and thereby creating a set of interactive eBooks. His willingness to competently take on anything that needs doing wi…
Read Full BiographyEmma Browne (M.A.) – Editor

“Hello! My name is Emma and I have been involved with the Honey Ant Readers project on and off since it first started in 2009. My interest in rural education and literacy began when I volunteered in Alice Springs whilst still completing my undergraduat…
Read Full BiographyKathy Mason – HARs graphic designer

Kathy Mason is a very talented and skilful freelance graphic designer, who creates the layout for the Honey Ant Readers Books and Resources. Kathy takes delight in putting together Margaret’s clever words and Wendy’s lovely illustrations and creating…
Read Full BiographyKaren Armstrong – HAR Finance Officer

We feel very fortunate to have Karen Armstrong in our team at HARs, with her deep understanding of all taxation obligations for small businesses, and her ability to research and present technical information in an easily understood manner for those of…
Read Full BiographyRosemary Butler (BVSc)

Rosemary Butler by HAR author, Margaret James. Whenever I think a draft is word-perfect and ready to go, I send it off to Rosemary. Inevitably it comes back full of red marks signalling changes needing to be made! Rosemary has a great eye for detail an…
Read Full BiographyStefan Pulpitel – HARs Curriculum

We were thrilled to have the creative, multi-skilled and multi-talented Stefan Pulpitel to assist HARs in developing modifications and links to the Australian Curriculum outcomes for teacher and student resources. Stefan is an experienced and passionat…
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